To review the player and/or team standings click on the picture and you will be redirected to the standings report for your league.
Please note: Schedules and Player Stats for PPD remote leagues can be found on the PPD website -
Big League Brew Sunday Player Standings
Big League Brew Sunday Team Standings
Shorty's Sunday Player Standings
Shorty's Sunday Team Standings
GCC / Moose Sunday Player Standings
GCC/ Moose Sunday Team Standings
Nail Sunday Player Standings
Nail Sunday Team Standings
Monday 2 Person Player Standings
Monday @ Person Team Standings
Ypsi Moose Monday Player Standings
Ypsi Moose Monday Team Standings
Big League Brew Tuesday Player Standings
Big League Brew Tuesday Team Standings
GCC Tuesday Doubles Player Standings
GCC Tuesday Doubles Team Standings
Nail Vegas Player Standings
Nail Vegas Team Standings
The NAIL Tuesday 4 Person Player Standings
The NAIL Tuesday 4 Person Team Standings
Wednesday Player Standings
Wednesday Team Standings
Shorty's Thursday Player Standings
Shorty's Thursday Team Standing
Whitmore Lanes Thursday Player Standings
Whitmore Lanes Thursday Team Standing
The NAiL Thursday Player Standings
The NAIL Thursday Team Standings
Waldenburgs Player Standings
Friday Ladies League Player Standings
Friday Ladies League Team Standings
The NAIL Youth League Player Standings
American Leagion Player Stats
American Legion Team Stats
The NAIL Youth Team Standings
Remote- Tuesday Ladies Singles Player Standings
Mens Masters Singles League Player Standings
Mens Mastrs Singles League Team Standings
ULE Tuesday In House Player Stats
ULE Tuesday In House Team Stats
2025 Ladies Singles Remote Team Stats